Chapter 7 DataOps and DevOps Workstreams

7.1 Manage DataOps and DevOps Workstream Permissions

  1. GitHub research repo.
  2. Basecamp (CDW).
  3. DART.
  4. VINCI.
  5. SSIS.
  6. Power BI Premium App Workspace (MTL Data UI & Team PSD 3.0).
  7. Individual Pro Power BI Licenses.
  8. Forio Epicenter.

7.2 Achieve Development Value Stream Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

  1. Cumulative Flow. See Reading Cumulative Flow Diagrams.
  2. Control Chart. See Use Control Charts to Review Issue Cycle/Lead Time.
  3. Burndown Report. See Track Sprint Progress with Burndown Charts.
  4. Velocity Tracking. See Track Team Velocity Sprint-over-Sprint.

7.3 Manage VA Contracts

7.4 Sync Bug Tracker Progress to Squash Team PSD and Research Bugs

  1. in lzim/teampsd or lzim/research, open a new issue and select BUG template.
  2. Complete template. Provide a screenshot of the problem if possible.
  3. Save the issue. When saved, it will automatically go to Triage Kanban in the respective Bug Tracker.
  4. Triage bug and determine if the information is complete. If there is a question, discuss at Workstream Leads meeting.
  5. Estimate the story points needed to resolve, select resolution path (Breakfix or normal).
  6. When bug is being fixed, move card to "In progress’. When complete, move to Review/QA kanban.
  7. After successful review, close the issue.

7.5 Sync Feature Tracker Progress to Develop Team PSD and Research Features


7.6 Coordinate a Code Review

7.7 Update an R Notebook

7.8 Improve MSD365 Integration

7.9 Refresh Data for R01 or IIR

7.10 Update a Vensim Model

  • Model variable changes
  • i Information update
  1. Update models in client github clone lzim/mtl DEV branch.
  2. Save .mdl and .vmfx model formats and save to DEV branch.
  3. Merge GitHub Client DEV with GitHub web DEV.
  4. Test model function in Epicenter MTL DEV project.
  5. If pass, merge DEV branch to TEST branch.
  6. Test as required.
  7. If pass, then promote TEST to MAIN branch.

7.11 Update Sim UI Module Documentation

  • More Information.
  • Tutor.
  • MTL Demo Website.
  • Team PSD Website.

7.12 Report Data UI and Power BI Use Data (w/example)

  • Value Stream: Research, Development and Operations
  • Workstreams: DataOps Manager
  • Workflow: support_workflow or quant_operations
  • Video: TBP

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