Chapter 10 VA Citrix

10.1 Download Citrix

You must first download the correct Citrix Access Gateway (CAG) software client based on your operating system (Windows or Mac).

10.2 Access Remote Desktops

Once you have downloaded the correct software, use your PIV Card to access the CAG URL at:

Tip: Bookmark the URL for convenience.

10.2.1 Window Users

Follow the starter guide here:

10.2.2 Mac Users

Follow the starter guide here:

10.2.3 Remote Desktops

Once you have gotten access through the CAG URL, navigate to the Desktops tab to view all your options.

The V21-Speciality Desktop tends to be faster** and more up to date** than the 1VA-General Desktop.

Tip: Click on star icon in by the V21-Speciality Desktop icon. This will make the desktop appear on your Home page tab so you don’t have to navigate to the Desktop tab everytime you sign into Citrix.