Chapter 8 PeopleOps Workstreams

8.1 Specific Workflows

  • consult_workflow: VACO OMHSP Facilitators of the NIH & VA cluster randomized trials. Supports the research and operations value streams. Coordinated by PeopleOps.
  • mtl_hawaii_samsha_workflow: Internal Team PSD meetings to discuss Data to Wisdom Grant with Hawaii Dept of Health. Coordinated by PeopleOps.
  • ilead_workflow: Supports the operations and development value streams - MTL Live, MTL Video, & MTL Facilitate with VA Institute for Learning, Education, and Development (ILEAD). Coordinated by PeopleOps.
  • vapor_workflow: The Veterans Affairs Partnership for Operations Research (VAPOR) is a group of Peer Support Specialists that ensure Veterans’ voices and experiences are represented in MTL and at the stakeholder table.

8.2 Manage PeopleOps Workstream Permissions

8.2.1 GitHub mtl repo

  1. Sign in using lzim GitHub login details in Team PSD Shared Drive > Vendors.
  2. Ping Lindsey to approve two-factor login.
  3. Go to the Settings tab > Access in the GitHub teampsd repo.
  4. Sign in and add user’s GitHub username under “Contributors.”

8.2.2 LucidCharts

8.2.3 ReqLogic Purchasing

  1. Open the ReqLogic link in Google Chrome (Edge will attempt to read your PIV login).
  2. Login using Lindsey’s details at Team PSD Shared Drive > Vendors. (Note: Should we request our own accounts?)
  3. Click on “Requisitions” at the top of the page.
  4. Select “Requisition Entry” to begin a new purchasing requisition.

8.2.6 Admin permission for &

8.2.7 Setup MTL Channels and SharePoint Sites

8.3 Achieve Operations Value Stream Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

  1. Cumulative Flow. See Reading Cumulative Flow Diagrams.
  2. Control Chart. See Use Control Charts to Review Issue Cycle/Lead Time.
  3. Burndown Report. See Track Sprint Progress with Burndown Charts.
  4. Velocity Tracking. See Track Team Velocity Sprint-over-Sprint.

8.4 Manage Operations Calendar and Inbox

  1. Check if you have access to the MTL Help Operations Calendar & Inbox at Team PSD Manual.
  2. Review the Calendar by meeting series colors (green = co-plan, purple = prep, blue = MTL Blue, red = MTL Red).
  3. Review and bring up Out Of Office (OOO) notifications, calendar holds, and missing invites/meetings.
  4. Review the inbox and bring up unaddressed emails and questions.

8.5 Set Up and Send R01/IIR Aim 2 Provider Surveys using VA REDCap

  • Value Stream: Research
  • Workstream: PeopleOps
  • Workflow: systems_sme_workflow

Teams Channel Link

*Cross-reference: R&D Workstream Setup Tasks, Team PSD Manual section 6.1 1. MS Teams channel must be set up first (see 8.6, Set up a New MTL Live Team without Research Evaluation). 2. Track the dates for this team for analyses in this Excel file. - File location: consult_workflow/Files/mtl_live_ees_team_links_table/ees_mtl_live_team_links_table_master.xlsx - [Final] Modeling to Learn Follow-up (R01 Baseline 1a) - [Final] Modeling to Learn Follow-up (R01 6 month 2a) - [Final] Modeling to Learn Follow-up (IIR Baseline 1b) - [Final] Modeling to Learn Follow-up (IIR 6 month 2b) 3. Set up the team in Provider Surveys on VA REDCap. 4. Copy the relevant survey template from TeamPSD\0_final_post_covid19_site_list_templates into a draft email from the MTL Info shared inbox 5. Activate and copy the Team’s group email from the Directory from Microsoft Azure into the email draft. 6. Tailor the email draft and send.

8.6 Engage a New MTL Co-planning Group

  1. Set up and prep Co-planning folders and documents in Team PSD Shared Drive > Grants.
  2. Set up all Co-planning groups in CRM.
  3. Set up Co-planning sites in Fidelity Survey on VA REDCap.
  4. Discuss communication plan for Co-planning groups at facilitate_workflow.
  5. Send Co-planning 1 or 2 templated emails from Outlook - .
  6. Send Co-planning meeting invite from Outlook - .

Team PSD Clinics

8.7 Set up a New MTL Live Team without Research Evaluation

  • Value Stream: Operations
  • Work Stream: PeopleOps
  • Workflow: This procedure is for setting up a new MTL Live team that is NOT being evaluated in a Federal trial.
  • Video 1
  • Video 2, for steps 2 & 3

Teams Channel Link

  1. Create a new Team in the Teams App.

    • #mtl_facilitate
    • #train_workflow
    • #microsoft_teams
    • #operations
  2. Create a meeting link in the new Teams Channel.

  3. Set up the Co-facilitator Prep and Live Team meeting series in Outlook - .

  4. Email Joseph Bloomquist from EES through MTL Help inbox to accredit MTL Live Team meeting dates obtained from Co-planning 2 (stand-alone video shared w/ees_workflow).

  5. Set up the MTL Live Team in the Sim UI (stand-alone video shared w/facilitate_workflow).

8.8 Set up a new MTL Live Team with Research Evaluation

  • Value Stream: Operations
  • Work Stream: PeopleOps
  • Workflow: facilitate_workflow
  • Video 1, set up a co-planning group or team for Fidelity Ratings in VA REDCap
  • Video 2, set up a new fidelity rater in REDCap

Teams Channel Link, Set up a Co-planning Group or Team for Fidelity Ratings VA REDCap

Teams Channel Link, Delete a Rating in VA REDCap

  1. Create a folder for the MTL Live Team in Team PSD Shared Drive > Clinics.
  2. Set up the MTL Live Team in the CRM.
  3. Set up an MTL Live Team for Fidelity Ratings in REDCap.
  4. Set up an MTL Live Team for Provider Surveys in REDCap.
  5. Create a new Team in the Teams App.
  6. Create a meeting link in the new Teams Channel.
  7. Set up the Facilitator Prep and Live Team meeting series in Outlook ( and ).
  8. Email Joseph Bloomquist from ILEAD through MTL Help inbox to accredit MTL Live Team meeting dates obtained from Co-planning 2.
  9. Set up the MTL Live Team in the Sim UI.

8.9 Facilitate an MTL Live Team w/Research Evaluation & CRM

  • Value Stream: Operations
  • Work Stream: People Ops
  • Workflow: for setting up a new MTL Live Team in the facilitate_workflow for R01 & IIR Trial Evaluation
  • Video - TBP

Teams Channel Link

8.9.1 Prioritize & Practice in Co-facilitator Prep Channel of Microsoft Teams

  1. Above where it shows your MTL Team name at the top of the page, click on the “Session & Checklist Details” tab underneath to add/edit session notes for prep.

  2. Double-click on a session under the list of “Session Details” to access session notes.

    Tip: Double-click on any white spaces to avoid editing a field (e.g., white space after “S01” in the first column).

  3. Add a note for each of the following from to tailor and edit during your prep session:

    • Say Checklist
    • Partner, Build, or Apply Fidelity
    • Live Meeting notes

8.9.3 Fill in General Team Details

  1. Review/add your Facilitator Info (taken from, Team Vision, and Team Decisions throughout the program in this tab.
  2. Once you mark session tasks complete, the “Current Session” field will automatically update overnight. 

8.9.4 Complete Session Tasks in Dynamics CRM

  1. Scroll down on the “Session & Checklist Details” tab to view complete session tasks listed under “MTL Team Checklist”.

  2. Click into a task to edit the task or click “Mark complete” in the top navigation header of the task.

    Tip: Double-click on any white spaces to avoid editing a field (white space after “S01” in the first column).

8.9.5 Send Pre/Post Emails using GitHub templates

  1. Navigate to the GitHub mtl repo.
  2. Navigate to the MTL Red or MTL Blue folder and drill down to the part/session needed.
  3. Select all the contents in the applicable pre/post email in the .md file and copy it
  4. Open the MTL Help calendar in Outlook and find the live team meeting invite
  5. Right-click on the invite and select “Reply All”.
  6. Remove all contents in the email that pop-ups except for the meeting link
  7. Paste your copied pre/post email from GitHub
  8. Tailor the contents of the template (e.g., date/times, team vision, Facilitator info by copying the content from the “General” tab, and TMS videos for post emails) and hit send!

8.10 Set Up a New Co-planning Group or Team from a Site in VA REDCap for Fidelity Ratings

  • Value Stream: Operations
  • Workstream: PeopleOps
  • Workflow: consult_workflow, systems_sme_workflow
  • Video
  • #fidelity_ratings, #redcap, #fidelity_survey, #consult_workflow

Teams Channel Link, 5/2/22

Teams Channel Link, 8/24/2023

  1. Navigate to REDCap > MTL Live Fidelity Ratings.
  2. Click on Project Setup.
  3. Click on Online Designer.
  4. Click on Copy in Survey Settings and rename the instrument.
  5. Click on the instrument name by the pencil icon.
  6. Create new item and Variable Name.

Set up a new team in VA REDCap to track fidelity ratings:

8.11 Purchase through ReqLogic

  • Value Stream: Operations
  • Work Stream: PeopleOps
  • Workflow: for purchasing team equipment through ReqLogic
  • Video

Teams Channel Link

  1. Confirm with PI which grant is being used for purchasing or reimbursement.
  2. Save invoices and forms in Team PSD Shared Drive > pavir_expenses.
  3. For PAVIR to purchase: Sign into ReqLogic to start a new requisition (login details in Team PSD Shared Drive > Vendors).
  4. Email to notify (Luanne Scott and Anna Sasamoto) with the Requisition number.
  5. For Reimbursement: Fill out a Check Request form.
  6. Email the Check Request form and the paid invoice to (Sarah Wong).

8.12 Coordinate ILEAD Live Team Meeting Accreditation and Attendance

  • Value Stream: Operations
  • Workstream: PeopleOps
  • Workflow: for coordinating with ILEAD to accredit live team meeting dates/times and grant attendees Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
  • Video

Teams Channel Link

  1. Email Joseph Bloomquist () through MTL Help inbox to accredit Live Team meeting dates and grant CEUs based on attendance.
  • Include session number, dates/times, and course code number.
  • Example: MTL Blue Session Course Codes + Example Dates/Time:
    • Session 1 (44112): 7/7 - 2-3pm Eastern
    • Session 2 (44150): 7/21 - 2-3pm Eastern
    • Session 3 (44532): 8/4 - 2-3pm Eastern
    • Session 4 (44656): 8/18 - 2-3pm Eastern
    • Session 5 (44533): 9/1 - 2-3pm Eastern
    • Session 6 (44534): 9/15 - 2-3pm Eastern
    • Session 7 (44657): 10/6 - 2-3pm Eastern
    • Session 8 (44535): 10/20 - 2-3pm Eastern
    • Session 9 (44658): 11/3 - 2-3pm Eastern
    • Session 10 (44654): 11/17 - 2-3pm Eastern
    • Session 11 (44531): 12/1 - 2-3pmcEastern
    • Session 12 (44655): 12/15 - 2-3pm Eastern
  • Example: MTL Red Session Course Codes + Example Dates/Times
    • Red Part I / Session 1-6 (131002424): 12/1 - 2-3pm Eastern
    • Red Part II / Session 7-12 (131002425): 12/15 - 2-3pm Eastern
  1. Email Spencer Glipa () through MTL Help to “register and confirm attendance for CEU/CMEs” (use the quoted exact language) after a Live Team meeting.
  • Include Session number, course code #, date/time, and list of attendees’ emails.
  • Ask Spencer to provide a screenshot of the list after he “registers and confirms the attendance”. Double-check to see if all attendees are listed.
  • Add the screenshot in the Files tab of your Team’s channel.
  • Example using MTL Blue Session 1 + Attendees:
    • Session 1 (44112): 7/7 - 2-3pm Eastern
      1. [VA email here]
      2. [VA email here]
      3. etc.

Note: Use this TMS link to check for live meeting accreditation using course code.

8.13 Coordinate All Hands

8.14 Coordinate Non-research External Partners

MITRE - Fina Lloyd

8.15 Orient Team Members to Documentation Needs Using The Document Archive