Chapter 6 Research and Development Workstreams

6.1 Specific Workflows

  • co-i_workflow: Supports the research value stream. Coordinated by Research & Development (R&D).
  • post_bacc_mentorship: Supports the research and operations value streams. Coordinated by R&D.
  • post_doc_mentorship [resident, CDA/K mentorship?]: Supports the research and operations value streams. Coordinated by R&D.

6.2 Manage Research & Development Workstream Permissions

  • Value Stream: Research
  • Workstream: R&D
  • Workflow: Coordinate research workflow permissions, manuscripts, budgets, oversight, IRB, reporting, and measurement.
  • Video

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6.2.1 GitHub TeamPSD Repo

*See Team PSD Manual section 5.1.

Research Repo for R21: R21DA042198

Research Repo for R01: 1R01DA046651

Research Repo for IIR: I01HX002521

  1. Sign in using lzim GitHub login details in TeamPSD Shared Drive > Vendors.
  2. Ping Lindsey to approve 2-factor login within 1 hour.
  3. Go to the Settings tab > Access in the GitHub teampsd repo.
  4. Sign in and add user’s GitHub username under “Contributors”.

6.2.2 OSF

  1. Sign in with your own OSF account.
  2. Go to the OSF project you want to add users to
  3. Click on the “Contributors” tab in the top header of the project.
  4. Check to see if you have the “Administrator” role
  5. If not, only Lindsey can add users to the project.
  6. If you are an administrator, click on the green “+ Add” icon and search by the user’s name to find and add them.

6.2.3 ReqLogic (Grant Subawards & Purchases)

  1. Open the ReqLogic link in Google Chrome (Edge will attempt you read your PIV login).
  2. Login using Lindsey’s details at Team PSD Shared Drive > Vendors. 
(NOTE: Should we request our own accounts?)
  3. Click on “Requestions” at the top of the page
  4. Select “My Approvals” to review and/or confirm Subawards.

6.2.4 RDIS

  1. Lindsey, R&D Workstream Lead will set up RDIS accounts for new hires
  2. As of May 2022, RDIS projects by ID include:
    • ZIM0001

    • ZIM0002

    • ZIM0003

    • ZIMMINI_0003

    • ZIMMINI_0001

    • ZIMMINI_0002

  3. Add members to draft and/or review tasks in a project by clicking on “Project Personnel” under “Process”.
  4. Click on the blue “Add New” button in the bottom right-hand corner.
  5. Assign the appropriate role based on their duties within the scope of practice


6.2.5 eProtocol

  1. Access eProtocol by logging in with your Stanford SUNet ID
  2. To request a sponsor for a SUNet ID, email Craig Rosen and cc Lindsey and appropriate team members
  3. Team members need to provide Craig with their date of birth and VA emails.
  4. Craig will sponsor you and SUNet ID account access will be sent to your VA email
  5. Logging into eProtocol, team members should see all of our grants. If they do not, you must add them to the IRB of each grant.

6.2.6 PCSPDB

  • Updated yearly, requested by NCPTSD Admin team.
  • If you do not have access to the PCSPDB dashboard, email the coordinator Ella Koosis
  • PCSPDB Schedule (follows Federal Fiscal year 10/01 start and 09/30 close).
  • IIR Fiscal Update Contact is Jim Griffith of VAPAHCS ORD.
  • R01 Fiscal Update Contact is Marisela Diaz of PAVIR

6.2.7 VA REDCap

  1. Set up a VA REDCap account by clicking on the red “Ask for Help” tab in the upper left of the homepage
  2. Request a VA REDCap account by filling out the request form.
  3. Set up your account username (VHA alias, find yours by searching for yourself in the GAL in Outlook Calendars) and password from the email you receive from REDCap.
  4. Grant access to all our projects as of May 2022:
  5. To grant access, click on the project and scroll down to find “User Rights and Permissions”, then click “User Rights”
  6. Add users and assign the “Full Access” role. NOTE: VA REDCap will “suspend” or deactivate your account if you have not logged in the past 90 days.
  7. To re-activate, click on the red “Ask for Help” tab on the homepage and fill out the request form.

6.2.8 Stanford REDCap

  1. To request a sponsor for a SUNet ID, email Craig Rosen and cc Lindsey and appropriate team members.
  2. Team members need to provide Craig with their date of birth and VA emails
  3. Craig will sponsor you and SUNet ID account access will be sent to your VA email.
  4. Scroll back down on Stanford REDCap and click “Email Support”.
  5. Fill out the form and ask to request a Stanford REDCap account.

6.2.9 ART (VA grants)

  • ART is the system for registering our VA-funded Clinical Trials (e.g., IIR).
  • IIR 17-294 - Palo Alto - Participatory system dynamics vs usual quality improvement.

6.2.10 is the system for registering our NIH and PAVIR-funded Clinical Trials (e.g., R01).

Lindsey’s Pro Tip: Use Chrome to save your logins and passwords to efficiently log into your account.

Note: For more details on how to set up Fidelity Ratings in VA REDCap, check this post from consult_workflow.

6.3 Achieve Research Value Stream Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

  1. Cumulative Flow. See Reading Cumulative Flow Diagrams.
  2. Control Chart. See Use Control Charts to Review Issue Cycle/Lead Time.
  3. Burndown Report. See Track Sprint Progress with Burndown Charts.
  4. Velocity Tracking. See Track Team Velocity Sprint-over-Sprint.

6.4 Manage Research Calendar and Inbox

  1. PI add R&D Workstream Lead to MTL Info calendars.
  2. Review Calendars & Inbox daily.
  3. Send all research-related communication from .

6.5 Coordinate #manuscriptmonday

  1. Track #MM meetings and open slots.
  2. Check Manuscript Tracker.
  3. Check paper progress on OSF.
  4. Contact authors of papers-OSF, Teams.
  5. Block #MM Slots.
  6. Authors circulate paper-OSF, reminders via Teams & Email.

6.6 Coordinate team_time

  1. Track team_time meetings and open slots.
  2. Check Manuscript Tracker.
  3. Check paper progress on OSF.
  4. Contact authors of papers-OSF, Teams.
  5. Block team_time Slots.
  6. Authors circulate paper-OSF, reminders via Teams & Email.

6.7 Produce Patient and Provider Enrollment Tables for Progress Reports - R01 and IIR Aim 1 and Aim 2

  • Value Streams: Research, Development, Operations

  • Workstreams: All

    • R&D: Ensure co-coordinated, timely progress report development, review, & submission.

    • DataOps: Refresh R01 & IIR data feeds, produce enrollment tables, & update R Notebooks on Research Repo for each team of each trial.

    • PeopleOps: Communicate, schedule, collect, and report timely flow (dates) of co-planning, team meetings, & provider surveys.

  • Workflows: for R01 & IIR

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*Includes sending provider surveys.

*Cross-reference: Story J Team PSD 3.0 - 9 Data Feeds #2445 (2022 RoadMap Story J)

*Cross-reference: 8.11, Coordinate ILEAD Live Team Meeting Accreditation and Attendance

6.7.1 Produce R01/IIR Aim 1 Provider Enrollment Tables from SSMS & CDW (Aim 1a & 1b)

  • Value Stream: Research
  • Workstream: DataOps
  • Workflow: quant_workflow

Teams Channel Link

info forthcoming from David

6.7.2 Produce R01/IIR Aim 2 Provider Enrollment Tables from VA REDCap - Value Stream: Research - Workstream: R&D - Workflow: quant_workflow, portfolio_workflow

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Note: for this example, we are showing how to get to IIR 6 month provider survey. 1. Navigate to VA REDCap. 2. From the top navigation bar, select My Projects. 3. Select [Final] Modeling to Learn Follow-up (IIR 6 month 2b). 4. Click on Data Exports, Reports and Stats on the left-hand navigation bar. 5. Select My Reports & Exports tab. 6. Click on + Create New Report button. 7. Create a standard name for your report using the MTL Teams name. - release - version (red/blue) - PROD or TEST - sta3n facility - alexandria_pct 8. Scroll down to Step 2 and click the + Quick Add button. 9. Scroll down to Follow-up Participatory Measure Partnership and click on Select All.

**Note: VA IIR Aim 2 Mediatory is Participatory Learning (NIH R01 Aim 2 Mediator will have the systems thinking items). - A total of 93 files selected for the VA IIR Aim 2 Mediator at 6 months. - See also 10. Click Select All under all + Quick Add options. 11. Click the Close button. 12. Scroll down to click on Step 3 to review a specific site to track engagement and see how many people completed this survey for a specific site. 13. Scroll down and click the Save Report button. 14. Receive the confirmation that the site level report was created. Click on Return to My Reports & Exports. 15. Review the total sites listed and View Report button. 16. You’ll see the number of results returned, the number of records queried, and feedback. 17. Click back on the My Reports & Exports tab to produce the Provider Enrollment Table. 18. Click the + Create New Report button to create the provider enrollment report, which will track enrollment for all sites moving forward. 19. Fill in the Name of Report: field. 20. Scroll down to Step 2 and click the + Quick Add button. 21. Scroll down to the Demographics section, choose Select All, and click Close button. 22. Scroll all the way to the bottom and click Save Report button. A pop-up will appear saying your report has been saved. 23. Click the View report button. You will see the Provider Enrollment Table. 24. There is a PHS standard format for enrollment tables. 25. Navigate to the enrollment_tables folder in the appropriate folder within Team PSD > Grants.

Note: This information is reported to: - NIH & VA - Progress Reports eRA Commons or DSMB - Any IRB Modifications also need to report enrollment

Patient Enrollment 1. MS Teams. 2. Outlook . 3. CRM - Task list. 4. VA REDCap - setting the team up in Provider Survey. 5. Track the dates for this team for analyses.

Patient Enrollment 1. wk3_oct_epic story12: Prep Human Subjects Enrollment tables for R01 grant, #249 2. wk4 Oct_epic story 11: R01 human subjects enrollment table QA prod card, #278

6.8 Renew or Modify the IRB with Stanford eProtocol

  • Value Stream: Research
  • Workstream: R&D
  • Workflow: Coordinate research workflow permissions, manuscripts, budgets, oversight, IRB, reporting, and measurement.

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*Cross-reference: #343, Story A2 & A3 Submit R01 & IIR IRB Mods

  1. Check ReadMe (R21, R01, IIR) for anticipated Renewal Date and ensure user story maps plan a feasible approach to any updates.

    Research Repo for R21: R21DA042198

    Research Repo for R01: 1R01DA046651

    Research Repo for IIR: I01HX002521

  2. Work with Dr. Craig Rosen & PI to set up your Stanford SUNetID.

  3. Principle Investigator adds R&D to eProtocol as Admin Contact.

  4. Confer with all workstreams to identify any changes in staffing or methods on the protocol.

  5. R&D & DataOps review anticipated modifications with PI at team_time or mixed_methods or quant_research workflow meeting no less than 2 weeks before submission.

  6. R&D creates modification on eProtocol.

  7. PI reviews and approves (future state: R&D).

    • DataOps makes DART and VINCI modifications after IRB approval (when necessary).

6.9 Submit an NIH Grant with PAVIR

6.10 Submit a Grant to the VA

6.11 Manage Authorship App

See Authorship App

6.12 Manage Manuscript Tracker

6.13 Submit a Peer-reviewed Manuscipt

6.14 Send Standford QI Course Evaluations

6.15 Manage Search Engines for Websites

6.16 VHA ORD VAPAHCS will use IRBNet and RDIS Concurrently to Manage Active VA Stanford IRB-approved Research Projects

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  1. Register your IRBNet user account.
  2. Receive the registration confirmation.
  3. IRBNet Projects were transferred by the VAPAHCS Research Administration Office to the PI.

NIH R21DA042198 (R21), Project Title: [1714508-1] Participatory System Dynamics for Evidence-based Addiction and Mental Healthcare

NIH 1R01DA046651 (R01), Project Title: [1714509-1] Participatory System Dynamics vs Audit and Feedback A Cluster Randomized Trial of Mechanisms of Implementation Change to Expand Reach of Evidence-based Addiction and Mental Health Care

VA I01HX002521 (IIR), Project Title: [1714510-1] Participatory System Dynamics vs Usual Quality Improvement: Is Staff Use of Simulation an Effective, Scalable and Affordable Way to Improve Timely Veteran Access to High-quality Mental Health Care?