Chapter 10 Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) for System Dynamics Model Files
10.1 Upload data to the SIM UI
- Value Streams: Operations, Development
- Workstream: DataOps
- Workflows: sim_ui_workflow, training_workflow
- Video
- Find the instructions.
- Navigate to the appropriate Sim UI team and world.
- Upload data.
10.1.1 Create Screencast Video Instructions
Make user-persona Concurrent Think Aloud videos testing Team PSD prototypes (aka MVPs: ‘minimum viable products’). Context - Why this is critical for Team PSD 2.0 to scale?
- To scale Team PSD processes, we evaluate the usability and user experience of Team PSD prototypes.
- Passive Screen Video Observation
- Usability (quantitative MVP tests)
- This test is the concurrent think aloud protocol to detect problems with MVP assumptions.
- Prototype developers gain re-usable insights into the users (through the library).
- Users don’t have to think about producing these scalable artifacts (just upload).
- These files are named with this convention “date_skill_training_user” e.g., “2020_05_13_git_ch1_busy_pi”
- Verbalization
- User-experience (qualitative MVP tests)
- This test is the retrospective think aloud protocol to detect problems with MVP assumptions.
- Learning task performance.
- We need distributed Team PSD users to learn at scale.
- All prototypes are teaching our learners a skill they need to contribute to the team.
- As we upskill, we continuously integrate prototypes, which scales learning and improvement across Team PSD.
- Passive Screen Video Observation Non-VA, Windows 10 users only: Record screen using Game DVR
The Game DVR feature can capture any application’s window.
- Press Windows + G in any application on Windows 10.
- Look for the Game Bar that will appear.
- Select “Yes, this is a game” even if the application isn’t a game.
Reminder: Protect your privacy and only include information that is relevant for Team PSD prototyping. VA or Non-VA: Record screen using PowerPoint
Powerpoint can has a built-in ability to screencast your desktop and input the video onto a slide in blank powerpoint presentation.
You can save the video file separately afterwards.
Follow the guide here.
- Follow steps 1-6 under the header: Record from your computer screen and embed the recording in PowerPoint.
- VA Machine User: Your PowerPoint Version on your VA machine will be able to screencast with the instructions in the guide above.
- Non-VA Machine User: Be sure to check your PowerPoint versions as this only works in PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint 2019, PowerPoint 2016, PowerPoint 2013.
Reminder: Protect your privacy and only include information that is relevant for Team PSD prototyping. Record any window on your Mac
Press Shift-Command-5. The Onscreen Controls will appear.
Once the Onscreen Controls appear, click on one of the buttons with the record circle in the bottom right (4th icon from the left - Record Entire Screen or 5th icon from the left - Record Selected Portion)
Click the down arrow under Options, located next to the record button.
Under Microphone, select none to turn off audio recording.
Under Options in the Onscreen Controls, adjust the recording window, setup a Timer, and where to Save To your recording.
In the Menu Bar, click the Stop Recording button or press Command-Control-Esc (Escape) to stop recording.
Reminder: Protect your privacy and only include information that is relevant for Team PSD prototyping.
Reference: van den Haak, Maaike, De Jon, Menno, Schellens, & Peter Jan. (2003). Retrospective vs. concurrent think-aloud protocols: Testing the usability of an online library catalogue. Behavior & Information Technology, 22.
10.1.2 Upload Screencast Video Instructions
Post user persona Concurrent Think Aloud videos testing Team PSD prototypes (aka MVPs: ‘minimum viable products’) to YouTube. 1. Create a Google Account
If you don’t already have a gmail/Google account, select this link to create a Google account.
- A Gmail is not required to sign up.
- This email is only used to login and will not be public.
- Uploaded user persona videos will be posted under the Brand Account LZPhD. 3. Manage YouTube Invitation
Login to your Google account
Select this link
- Click Pending invitations.
Select LZPhD.
Accept invitation.
Scroll down: “Act as LZPhD on”:
Select the YouTube red icon.
Navigate to the inbox associated with your Google account.
You will see a confirmation in your inbox that reads, “You are now a manager of LZPhD”.
Select the new email.
You are now a manager Congratulations! 4. Upload User Persona Video
- Select Get started.
- Select the YouTube red icon.
Your YouTube dashboard will open up.
Navigate to the top right and select your circular profile pic.
From the drop-down menu, select switch accounts.
Select LZPhD.
On the top right, Select the video camera + icon (Create).
Select Upload video.
- Find the user persona video file you’d like to upload. 5. Convention for Video Details During Upload
Use this naming convention “date_skill_training_user” ex: “2020_05_13_git_ch1_busy_pi”
A description is not necessary at this time.
No playlist.
Select, Yes, it is made for kids. This will remove any advertisements.
Click Next advance to next screen
Click Next, no video elements at this time.
Select Unlisted only people with the link can see it.
Click Save and your video will continue processing.
You can safely logout of YouTube when your screencast is fully uploaded.
10.2 Week 4: Review Second Story Perspectives
In week 4, your prototype and MVPs should be able to be fully incorporated into Team PSD’s workflow as we do NOT want to spend time developing solutions that do not solve 80% of our team’s needs and utilizing only 20% effort in order to fail fast and fail cheap by quickly ruling out assumptions and solutions that do not work.
Week 4 follows the last phase of the process for design thinking which involves the ability to review tests of your MVP and reflect on those tests that can help you even better mindfully and empathize with users, ultimately to further improve your skills for month’s design process.
- Test - Review tests your prototype with the user personas in question & look for 2nd story perspectives.
- Does the prototype address the personas needs and pain points?
- What could we have missed or ignored from the user?
- What worked well in the month and what did not?
10.2.1 Reflect Second Stories
Use these set of question to help think through Second Story Perspective Questions to reflect on the design process from the month:
- Do you see any places where moving forward independently could have been more aligned with the team or integrated better when you were done?
- Could a dependency or root assumption have been caught any sooner for the benefit of the team?
- Have you discovered a new empathic understanding of the situation from another users’ POV (point of view)?