Chapter 7 Instructions to Authors
We use several platforms to ensure co-authors can easily track the progress of a manuscript, communicate about next steps, and seamlessly co-write asynchronously. Before diving in, please check out the flow charts below on how to contribute based on your role. Please review the section below on how we use the Open Science Framework to manage our manuscript development.
7.1 Access the Authorship APP
We use the Authorship App to ensure a fair & transparent process for assigning authorship order. The app tracks what work has already been done, who has made intellectual contributions & in what subcategories, and how to divvy up the remaining work.
You will receive an email from the TeamPSD Shiny Server, giving you access to the authorship app. If you do not have this email, please email and request access.
Once you get the email granting access, click on the link within the email. This will take you to the page below. Click on “Login”.
This will open up the Login/Sign Up pop-up below. You can either use an existing Google/GitHub account to login or sign up for an account.
In the future, you can go directly to the and login from there. Once your computer starts to cache your login info, you may be able to skip the login step altogether.
7.2 Track Completion and Contributions
- Co-authors can use the app asynchronously to provide:
- How much prior work (or intellectual contributions) for a manuscript have already been completed: What percentage of the manuscript is based on work previously done vs. writing and analyzing that is still left to be done?
- Prior work contributions made by each co-author:
- What intellectual contributions have you made to the topic of this manuscript and which TeamPSD workgroups do those contributions fall under?
- Who are the other co-authors that worked on those contributions with you?