Chapter 10 GitHub + ZenHub

TeamPSD’s main platform for project tracking is GitHub + the extension of ZenHub for project management.

10.1 GitHub Repositories

10.1.1 Workflow

10.1.2 Non-VA Repositories

  1. lzim/teampsd (Public) This repository contains TeamPSD resources and track the work that the team uses internally (i.e. Bookdown, document_team, depend_products, etc.)
  2. lzim/mtl (Public) This repository supports Modeling to Learn and contain the content in describe_learners, detail facilitators, and SIM/Model Code.
  3. lzim/sim (Public) This repository supports the Modeling to Learn Simulation User Interface platform, Forio Epicenter, & and model files from Vensim DSS.
  4. lzim/research (Private) This repository holds the analysis for the (R01, IIR, R21) and disseminate science.
  5. lzim/mtl_team_tracker (Private) This repository is used by VA Clinicians and Modeling to Learn Co-facilitators to track team progression.

10.1.3 VA Enterprise Repositories

  1. “va/mtl” (operations pipeline) This repository stores the operations code used to support Modeling to Learn teams.
  2. “va/research” (research pipeline) This repository holds the backend code that needs to stay internal for our grants.