Chapter 4 Learning Maps

Below are Red and Blue Learning Maps with links to resources for both Facilitators and Learners.

4.1 Learner

4.2 MTL Blue vs. Red Map

4.3 MTL Blue

4.3.1 Partner

Session Title Learning Objectives Learner See Guide Link MTL Video TMS Link Resources
1. Describe your own vision for what you would like your team to get from Modeling to Learn.
2. Test out your thinking with your team about what your shared vision is for becoming a “dream team.”
3. Identify a shared team vision for learning from Modeling to Learn
Session 01 Learner Guide Session 01 MTL Video Teams Cheatsheet
1. Describe the decisions your team made in producing your team data table.
2. Test whether team historical trends shown in the “viz” tabs reflect your expectations.
3. Apply your clinical expertise to identify new information about a team patient in the “data” tabs.
Session 02 Learner Guide Session 02 MTL Video Cheatsheet
1. Describe your team trends over the last two years based on the estimates in the team data table.
2. Test your understanding of how the team data are estimated by reviewing descriptions and definitions.
3. Apply your clinical expertise to consider the team trends in the data UI and team data table to identify team priorities for learning.
Session 03 Learner Guide Session 03 MTL Video Cheatsheet
1. Describe the high priority needs reported across the team.
2. Test out how these needs are experienced across the team through team dialogue.
3. Consider the team vision and apply team decision-making to select a high-priority module of MTL.
Session 04 Learner Guide Session 04 MTL Video

4.3.2 Build

Session Title Learning Objectives Learner See Guide Link MTL Video TMS Link Resources
1. Describe the team data in the Experiments section.
2. Test out the simulation user-interface for more information about team data.
3. Apply clinical expertise to consider the decisions the team makes that affect these variables.
Session 05 Learner Guide Session 05 MTL Video: Aggregate, Care Coordination, Med Management, Psychotherapy, Suicide Prevention Cheatsheet
1. Describe the systems story of your team’s highest priority.
2. Test out your thinking about causes of team challenges using the model diagram.
3. Apply clinical expertise to develop a question for team learning using simulation.
Session 06 Learner Guide Session 06 MTL Video: Aggregate, Care Coordination, Med Management, Psychotherapy, Suicide Prevention Cheatsheet
1. Describe the base case of no new decisions in your team.
2. Test out your thinking about what is likely to cause oscillation in team trends.
3. Apply systems thinking to develop a hypothesis about your team’s clinical priority.
Session 07 Learner Guide Session 07 MTL Video: Aggregate, Care Coordination, Med Management, Psychotherapy, Suicide Prevention Cheatsheet
1. Describe the systems story your team believes will cause the outcomes you expect to observe in your experiment.
2. Test your dynamic hypothesis about your team’s clinical priority.
3. Apply systems thinking to describe your team’s findings, insights, and conclusions from your experiment.
Session 08 Learner Guide Session 08 MTL Video: Aggregate, Care Coordination, Med Management, Psychotherapy, Suicide Prevention Cheatsheet

4.3.3 Apply

Session Title Learning Objectives Learner See Guide Link MTL Video TMS Link Resources
1. Describe the systems story your team believes will cause the outcomes you expect to observe in your experiment.
2. Test your dynamic hypothesis about your team’s clinical priority.
3. Apply systems thinking to describe your team’s findings, insights and conclusions from your experiment.
Session 09 Learner Guide Session 09 MTL Video: Aggregate, Care Coordination, Med Management, Psychotherapy, Suicide Prevention Cheatsheet
1. Describe the decisions you experimented with and how they are intertwined with other decisions and clinic outcomes over time.
2. Test your understanding of the causal system story by describing what’s happening when it produces a system behavior over time.
3. Apply your thinking to anticipate the short and long term trends in your team’s care quality under different decision scenarios.
Session 10 Learner Guide Session 10 MTL Video: Aggregate, Care Coordination, Med Management, Psychotherapy, Suicide Prevention Cheatsheet
1. Describe what your team has prioritized as decisions to implement in your clinic.
2. Test your team’s plan against your individual and shared team vision.
3. Apply your team’s plan in clinical decisions using C.F.B.T. systems thinking.
Session 11 Learner Guide Session 11 MTL Video Cheatsheet
1. Describe what your team has learned throughout the MTL 12-session program.
2. Test out with each other how your new practice decisions based on systems thinking align with your team’s shared vision.
3. Apply the new decisions that your team has prioritized.
Session 12 Learner Guide Session 12 MTL Video Cheatsheet

4.4 MTL Red

Session Title Learning Objectives Learner See Guide Link Resources
1. Describe the decisions your team made in producing your team data table.
2. Test whether team historical trends shown in the “viz” tabs reflect your expectations.
3. Apply your clinical expertise to identify new information about a team patient in the “data” tabs.
Part 01 Learner Guide Cheatsheet & Teams Cheatsheet
1. Describe your team trends over the last two years based on the estimates in the team data table.
2. Test your understanding of how the team data are estimated by reviewing descriptions and definitions.
3. Apply your clinical expertise to consider the team trends in the data UI and team data table to identify team priorities for learning.
Part 02 Learner Guide Cheatsheet

4.5 Facilitator

4.7 MTL Red

Session Title Facilitator Say Guide Link Facilitator Say Checklist Link Resources
Part 01 Facilitator Guide Facilitator One Pager & Teams Cheatsheet
Part 02 Facilitator Guide Facilitator One Pager