Chapter 3 Facilitator Checklists

3.1 Intersession Checklist

MTL 12-session Plan

session 01. Today we’re modeling to learn how to align our team vision.

session 02. Today we’re modeling to learn how to check our patient data and team trends.

session 03. Today we’re modeling to learn how to produce team data for simulation.

session 04. Today we’re modeling to learn how to prioritize team needs.

session 05. Today we’re modeling to learn how to log-in to our team world.

session 06. Today we’re modeling to learn how to tell a systems story.

session 07. Today we’re modeling to learn how to evaluate our base case of no new decisions.

session 08. Today we’re modeling to learn how to test a dynamic hypothesis.

session 09. Today we’re modeling to learn how to compare alternatives.

session 10. Today we’re modeling to learn how to use systems thinking.

session 11. Today we’re modeling to learn how to make future team decisions.

session 12. Today we’re modeling to learn how to turn team learning into a team plan.

3.1.1 A. There are 3 primary facilitation goals and emphases across the 12-Session plan.

MTL Sessions Primary Goal Emphasis Team Time Report
1-4 Partner to identify and validate the team’s highest priority learning need now. participatory learning tt1
5-8 Build capacity for participatory learning from simulation using team question/hypothesis/findings/decisions. participatory learning + systems thinking tt2
9-12 Apply C.F.B.T. systems thinking and plan for future team learning needs. Ideally, the team has been practicing new decisions and may also now be ready to implement a shared change in the real world. systems thinking tt3

3.1.2 B. There are 3 intersession timestamp checklists used across the 12-session plan.

Checklist Sessions 30-35 Minute Exercise Timestamp Script
1 Sessions 1-4 Participatory Learning
2 Sessions 5-10 Participatory Simulation Learning
3 Sessions 11-12 Wrap-up and Future Learning

3.1.3 C. How to “Prioritize” and “Practice” during the intersession:

3.1.4 Intersession Overview

  • Identify team-tailored priorities based on the Modeling to Learn theory of change first.
  • Then, fill in the session SAY guide, triaging what you will SAY, by narrowing down to what you’ve prioritized and practiced to fit within the timestamps below.
1. Use the intersession guide to identify the team priorities you will practice.
2. Fill in the SAY guide for that session based on the priorities you identify.
3. Practice the highest priority tailoring to fit within the timestamps.

3.1.5 Intersession Purpose

  • The intersession checklist is used by co-facilitators to ensure the goals and emphases of the MTL theory of change are prioritized and practiced when tailoring to your team’s highest priority need.
  1. The intersession checklist provides co-facilitator guidance for tailoring the MTL 12-session plan to their team.
  2. The intersession meeting uses the intersession checklist to prioritize and practice tailoring the SAY files to your team within the timestamps according to the MTL theory of change.
  3. Intersession preparation should help you to prioritize and practice key emphases of participatory learning and systems thinking related to the team’s priority need from session 1 through session 12 of the 12-session plan.

3.1.6 1. What you need

Before you begin, you need to
1. Download or print the SAY checklist to fill in blanks for your team’s highest priority need.
2. Review post-session checklist notes especially #6 from the prior session.
3. Review the MTL Partner, Build, or Apply Fidelity Checklist to ensure high fidelity ratings.
To complete the intersession checklist, you need to
1. Apply the 4 "prioritize prompts from the intersession guide to the SAY file.
2. Clarify Co-Facilitator Roles - Choose a “Live Lead” - The live lead drives on-screen until handing off to the team lead. Choose a “Fidelity Facilitator” - The fidelity facilitator ensures that key goals and priorities are emphasized on-time to maintain fidelity."
3. Practice your priorities from the intersession guide using the intersession and SAY file timestamps.

3.1.7 2. Sessions 1-4 Goals and Emphases - Partner to identify the team’s highest priority learning need now. [participatory learning]

  1. Review the MTL Partner Fidelity Checklist and overview below.
  2. Introduce the overarching MTL Learning Objectives and identify a shared team vision for Modeling to Learn.
  3. Review hyper local transparent team data resources related to the team’s learning vision.
  4. Dialogue about the team’s highest priority learning need now using the MTL Menu
Session Priority Participatory Learning
s1 Shared Vision The team practices making team decisions as they move from an individual to shared vision, select their team lead and team meeting time
s2 Team Data Trends The team learns to evaluate their own team data trends and patient data in relation to their team vision.
s3 Team Data for Simulation The team selects the data that makes sense for their own context and shared vision, and builds the set of parameters they will use for “what if” simulation learning.
s4 Team Need The team engages in a dialogue about the highest priority team need now, so that there is consensus around the MTL Learning Module selected for sessions 5-10.

3.1.8 3. Sessions 1-4 - Participatory Learning Timestamp Script

00:15 - Ideally no more than the first 5 minutes Done/Do Review - It’s ideal to keep the first Done/Do Review short to save more time for the In-session Exercise and the Done/Do at the end that shows, simple, short, specific (4’s) learning activities the team can do on their own between facilitated MTL team meetings. Prepare, Prioritize and Practice 30-35 minutes of In-session Exercise During the Intersession Prep Meeting

Time Stamp Prioritize tailored team learning Edit SAY checklist and practice
00:10-00:15 Cue up the “throughline” between the team’s learning vision, team data and team need question 6 from the Post-Session debrief.
00:15-00:20 Review to identify the themes from the team vision that should be highlighted in the team data. 1. In the SAY checklist, fill in the specific themes the team brought up when visioning during session 1.
00:20-00:25 Plan reflections for team responses to the prompt questions that relate to the team’s vision. 2. In the SAY checklist, fill in the specific values in the Team Data table (sessions 2 and 3) that reveal the team’s highest priority need.
00:25-00:35 Prioritize the answers to FAQs most related to the team’s need. 3a. In the SAY checklist, fill in the prioritized frequently asked questions (FAQs) and practice relating them to the team’s highest priority need.
00:35-00:40 Explain the participatory rationale for why teams’ can “drive” themselves and can access additional information or request updates related to the data. 3b. Practice explaining the reasons to empower the team with local transparent data resources.
00:40-00:50 Reflect with your co-facilitator double-check your thinking about the team’s relative consensus about their priorities before going to the MTL menu in session 4. 4. Prepare and practice reflections that synthesize a) multiple team member’s points of view, b) multiple variables that are related to one another (e.g., RVI and engagement duration), c) multiple problems that are likely related, and c) the “throughline” across learning sessions.
00:50-00:60 Success - A successful Done/Do Review is short, specific, simple and shown.

3.1.9 4. Sessions 5-8 Goals and Emphases - Build capacity for participatory learning from simulation using team question/hypothesis/findings/decisions. [participatory learning + systems thinking]

  1. Review the MTL Build Fidelity Checklist and overview below.
  2. Identify the new MTL capacities for each session consistent with the MTL theory of change.
  3. Tailor your review of new MTL resources and skills to the team’s highest priority need.
  4. Build team capacities to use MTL data and simulation resources without facilitation in the future.
  5. Target the next level of systems thinking for the team based on their question, hypothesis, findings and decisions boxes for that session.
Session Capacity Participatory Learning + Systems Thinking
s5 Experiments Section & Text Enter the Team’s Learning Question based on the needs assessment and team data.
s6 Tell a Systems Story Enter a Dynamic Hypothesis based on Systems story
s7 Test a Dynamic Hypothesis Test the Dynamic Hypothesis for the Base Case and Write up the Findings and Decisions
s8 Compare Alternatives Test Dynamic Hypothesis for an alternative and write up the comparison against the Basecase in Findings and Decisions.

3.1.10 5. Sessions 5-8 - Participatory Simulation Learning Timestamp Script

00:15 - Ideally no more than the first 5 minutes Done/Do Review - It’s ideal to keep the first Done/Do Review short to save more time for the In-session Exercise and the Done/Do at the end that shows, simple, short, specific (4’s) learning activities the team can do on their own between facilitated MTL team meetings. Prepare, Prioritize and Practice 30-35 minutes of In-session Exercise During the Intersession Prep Meeting

Time Stamp Prioritize tailored team learning Edit SAY checklist and practice
00:10-00:15 Cue up last time q/h/f/d (and system behavior observed for sessions s7-s10)
00:15-00:20 Review the team data the led to that q/h/f/d 1. Practice highlighting specific values from the Team Data table that are guiding the in-session work to address the team’s highest priority need.
00:20-00:25 Review the relevant causal system story 2. Practice describing the complexity reveal (causal loop) most releveant to the team’s highest priority need.
00:25-00:35 Adjust sliders and set up team’s dynamic hypothesis 3. Practice describing specific value adjustments you expect will be helpful for the team to experiement with related to their highest priority need.
00:35-00:40 Run experiment
00:40-00:50 Describe findings/decisions and saving 4. Practice describing output charts (system behaviors) you’re going to check and discuss as a team in relation to their team’s highest priority need.
00:50-00:60 Success - A successful Done/Do Review is short, specific, simple and shown.

3.1.11 6. Sessions 9-12 Goals and Emphases - Use C.F.B.T. Systems Thinking and plan for future team learning needs and ready team to implement a tested change in the real world. [systems thinking]

  1. Review the MTL Apply Fidelity Checklist and overview below.
  2. Identify the new MTL capacities for each session consistent with the MTL theory of change.
  3. Target the next level of systems thinking for the team based on their question, hypothesis, findings and decisions boxes for that session, specifically these four C.F.B.T. systems thinking attributes:
C.F.B.T. Systems Thinking Considers
Complex Forest not trees. Relationships among two or more variables (wait times, improvement rate), or two or more settings (primary care, general mental health).
Feedback Loop not line. Not simple cause and effect. The end of the story often influences the beginning, and is strengthened (reinforcing) or reduced (balancing) around the loop.
System Behavior Movie not snapshot. Trends over time. Systems cause their own behavior through feedback.
Time Short and long term. Better understanding of change over time (e.g., worse before better, better before worse).

3.1.12 7. Sessions 9-12 - Wrap-up and Future Learning Timestamp Script

Time Stamp Prioritize tailored team learning Edit SAY checklist and practice
00:10-00:15 Cue up last time q/h/f/d (and system behavior observed for sessions s7-s10)
00:15-00:20 Review the team data the led to that q/h/f/d 1. Practice highlighting specific values from the Team Data table that are guiding the in-session work to address the team’s highest priority need.
00:20-00:25 Review the relevant causal system story 2. Practice describing the complexity reveal (causal loop) most releveant to the team’s highest priority need.
00:25-00:35 Adjust sliders and set up team’s dynamic hypothesis 3. Practice describing specific value adjustments you expect will be helpful for the team to experiement with related to their highest priority need.
00:35-00:40 Run experiment
00:40-00:50 Describe findings/decisions and saving 4. Practice describing output charts (system behaviors) you’re going to check and discuss as a team in relation to their team’s highest priority need.
00:50-00:60 Success - A successful Done/Do Review is short, specific, simple and shown.

3.1.13 8. Summary of principles for team tailoring SAY guides in ways consistent with the MTL theory of change during the intersession. Prioritize

  • Align the team-specific tailoring with the goals and emphases of the sessions according the MTL Theory of Change.
  • Prioritize continuity across sessions from the team vision, team data and team need. (MTL sessions 1-4). from session to session, (“last time we talked about…”; “so-and-so asked about…”).
  • Clarify Co-Facilitator Roles - Choose a Live Lead and a Pre/Post Lead/Note-taker. Practice

Practice the highest priorities from the interesssion checklist - ensure they can be communicated to the time within the timestamps. - Prepare the specific examples and explanations tailored the team’s need, including the mousework and rationale in the SAY guide. - Practice to ensure your examples work within the time-frame. - Rehearse active listening skills. - Quiz each other on FAQ/anticipated questions from the team for the upcoming session.

3.2 MTL Partner Fidelity Checklist Sessions 1-4 (short-form)

3.2.1 Track the below session details and Section A at

Team: _______________________________________

Session: _______________________________________

Date: _______________________________________

Live Lead: _______________________________________

Co-facilitator: _______________________________________

Rater: _______________________________________

3.2.2 A. Post-Session Debriefing checklist items 1 & 3:

1. Time management & trouble-shooting

We achieved _________ (0-100%) of our time stamp marks as planned when we prioritized and practiced during our intersession prep.

3. How did the co-facilitation model go?

Use the following Likert Scale for the Responses below

  • 5 Strongly Agree
  • 4 Agree
  • 3 Neither Agree nor Disagree
  • 2 Disagree
  • 1 Strongly Disagree

Sessions 1-4 - Rate the following 5 items.

  • 1. We were clear about the purposes or goals of this improvement effort.
  • 2. We recognized the need to partner to create change and improvement.
  • 3. We made VHA data resources in this effort transparent.
  • 4. We facilitated greater understanding and local team control over use of VHA data.
  • 5. Our (this) team has a clear and shared understanding of the problems we are trying to address.

3.2.3 B. Intersession checklist prioritizing Post-session Checklist items 6, 7 & 9 (short-form)

6. What is the team’s guiding question and hypotheses? (what are they testing?)

PARTNER (s1-4) Intersession Checklist Priorities


NEED: Current working conceptualization of this team’s need based on the 4 priorities below? _______________________________________

DIFFERENTIATE: I need to rule in _______________________________________ or rule out _______________________________________ during this session to refine my conceptualization and prepare for the next session (based on growing consensus and capacity building with this team).

My GOAL for this session is to document the following themes and differential questions related to the teams need by end of the session.

  1. Specific themes the team brought up when visioning during session 1. _______________________________________

  2. Specific values in the team data table (sessions 2 and 3) that reveal the team’s highest priority need: _______________________________________

  3. Prioritized data-related frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to the team’s highest priority need: _______________________________________

  4. Synthesize a) multiple team member’s points of view, b) multiple variables that are related to one another (e.g., RVI and engagement duration), c) multiple problems that are likely related, and c) the “throughline” across learning sessions. _______________________________________

7. Facilitator needs/questions - Select and briefly describe the training need or question. Rank to prioritize your facilitator need/question for group supervision.

Cheatsheet needs/questions

  • ___ cheatsheet _______________________________________

  • ___ cheatsheet _______________________________________

  • ___ facilitator one pager _______________________________________

  • ___ cheatsheet _______________________________________

  • ___ facilitator one pager _______________________________________

  • ___ facilitate cheatsheet _______________________________________

Checklists needs/questions

  • ___ fidelity _______________________________________

  • ___ fidelity (partner, build, apply) _______________________________________

  • ___ pre-session _______________________________________

  • ___ post-session _______________________________________

Sessions 1-4 - PARTNER to identify and validate the team’s highest priority learning need now.

Participatory Learning Emphasized:

SEE guide

  • ___ session 1 _______________________________________

  • ___ session 2 _______________________________________

  • ___ session 3 _______________________________________

  • ___ session 4 _______________________________________

  • ___ facility data _______________________________________

  • ___ data UI _______________________________________

  • ___ team data table _______________________________________

  • [ ]

9. Team Decisions session by session - Check off the decisions made during the session and track team decision details in the blank.


  • Team Vision _______________________________________
  • Team Lead _______________________________________
  • Standing team meeting time _______________________________________
  • Logged in to to look at the facility data _______________________________________


  • Selected the clinics that make up our team for the data UI _______________________________________
  • Reviewed the HF, Diag, Enc and SP tabs in data UI to find a patient (zoom in) and find a team trend (zoom out). _______________________________________
  • Logged in to and looked at the two team folders: data UI and team data table. _______________________________________


  • Produced team data table for the sim UI. _______________________________________
  • Prioritized data for review in the team data table. _______________________________________


  • Completed the to prioritize our needs. _______________________________________
  • Selected an MTL simulation module. _______________________________________
  • Checked to make sure we could log in to the sim UI at _______________________________________

3.2.4 C. Post-Session Debriefing checklist item 8 - Track Issues

8. Things that Team PSD should know - problems with UI, data, guides use the GitHub issue templates.

3.3 MTL Build Fidelity Checklist Sessions 5-8 (short-form)

3.3.1 Track the below session details and Section A at

Team: _______________________________________

Session: _______________________________________

Date: _______________________________________

Live Lead: _______________________________________

Co-facilitator: _______________________________________

Rater: _______________________________________

3.3.2 A. Post-Session Debriefing checklist items 1 & 3:

1. Time management & trouble-shooting

We achieved _________ (0-100%) of our time stamp marks as planned when we prioritized and practiced during our intersession prep.

3. How did the co-facilitation model go?

Use the following Likert Scale for the Responses below - [ ] 5 Strongly Agree - [ ] 4 Agree - [ ] 3 Neither Agree nor Disagree - [ ] 2 Disagree - [ ] 1 Strongly Disagree

Sessions 5-8 - Rate the following 4 items. - [ ] 1. This project emphasizes what is important to our (this) team. - [ ] 2. We sought to support our existing capacities to best use local team resources and make local decisions. - [ ] 3. Even though we did not have total agreement, we did reach a kind of consensus that our (this) team all accepts. - [ ] 4. We are supporting shared team decision-making in this project.

3.3.3 B. Intersession checklist prioritizing Post-session Checklist items 6, 7 & 9 (short-form)

6. What is the team’s guiding question and hypotheses? (what are they testing?)

BUILD & APPLY (s5-s8) Intersession Checklist Priorities

CONSIDER THESE QUESTIONS - NEED: Current working conceptualization of this team’s need based on the 4 priorities below? _______________________________________

  • DIFFERENTIATE: I need to rule in _______________________________________ or rule out _______________________________________ during this session to refine my conceptualization and prepare for the next session (based on growing consensus and capacity building with this team).

  • My GOAL for this session is that the team will document the following Q/H/F/D by end of the session.

Question: _______________________________________

Hypothesis: _______________________________________

Findings: _______________________________________

Decisions: _______________________________________

  1. Specific values from the Team Data table (sessions 2,3 & 5) that are guiding the in-session work to address the team’s highest priority need. _______________________________________

  2. Complexity reveal (causal loop) most relevant to the team’s highest priority need is: _______________________________________

  3. Specific value adjustments you expect will be helpful for the team to experiment with related to their highest priority need: _______________________________________

Experiment (Session) Variable(s) & Value(s) in BC Variable(s) and Value Adjustment(s) in Experiment
Exp 1 (s8) _______________________________________ _______________________________________
Exp 2 (s9) _______________________________________ _______________________________________
Exp 3 (s10) _______________________________________ _______________________________________
  1. Output charts (system behaviors) you’re going to check and discuss as a team in relation to their team’s highest priority need: _______________________________________

7. Facilitator needs/questions - Select and briefly describe the training need or question. Rank to prioritize your facilitator need/question for group supervision.

Cheatsheet needs/questions

  • ___ cheatsheet _______________________________________

  • ___ cheatsheet _______________________________________

  • ___ facilitator one pager _______________________________________

  • ___ cheatsheet _______________________________________

  • ___ facilitator one pager _______________________________________

  • ___ facilitate cheatsheet _______________________________________

Checklists needs/questions

  • ___ fidelity _______________________________________

  • ___ fidelity (partner, build, apply) _______________________________________

  • ___ pre-session _______________________________________

  • ___ post-session _______________________________________

**Sessions 5-8 - _BUILD capacity for participatory learning from simulation using team q/h/f/d.** Participatory Learning + Systems Thinking Emphasized:

SEE guide

  • ___ session 5 _______________________________________

  • ___ session 6 _______________________________________

  • ___ session 7 _______________________________________

  • ___ session 8 _______________________________________

SAY guide

  • ___ session 5 _______________________________________

  • ___ session 6 _______________________________________

  • ___ session 7 _______________________________________

  • ___ session 8 _______________________________________ MODULE Which module are you working with?
  • ___ CC ______________________________________

  • ___ MM _______________________________________

  • ___ PSY _______________________________________

  • ___ AGG _______________________________________

  • ___ SP _______________________________________

9. Team Decisions session by session - Check off the decisions made during the session and track team decision details in the blank.

s5 - [ ] Logged in and uploaded our team data table to the sim UI _______________________________________ - [ ] Reviewed our team data in the Experiments Section. _______________________________________ - [ ] Checked the “i” information available in the sim UI Model Diagram and Experiments section. _______________________________________

s6 - [ ] Logged in and reviewed the systems story in the main sim section. _______________________________________ - [ ] Entered question text. _______________________________________ - [ ] Logged into our individual world and entered question and hypothesis text. _______________________________________

s7 - [ ] Entered question, hypothesis, finding and decisions for base case. _______________________________________ - [ ] Logged into and explored the expanded outputs dashboard for the basecase. _______________________________________ - [ ] Used the worksheet to prepare for experiment 1. _______________________________________

s8 - [ ] Team Lead ran Experiment 1. _______________________________________ - [ ] Team reviewed Expanded Outputs section to compare the basecase and experiment 1. _______________________________________ - [ ] Continued to explore the basecase and experiment 1 to prepare for experiment 2 at the next team meeting by drafting a dynamic hypothesis using the worksheet. _______________________________________

3.3.4 C. Post-Session Debriefing checklist item 8 - Track Issues

8. Things that Team PSD should know - problems with UI, data, guides use the GitHub issue templates.

3.4 MTL Apply Fidelity Checklist Sessions 9-12 (short-form)

3.4.1 Track the below session details and Section A at

Team: _______________________________________

Session: _______________________________________

Date: _______________________________________

Live Lead: _______________________________________

Co-facilitator: _______________________________________

Rater: _______________________________________

3.4.2 A. Post-Session Debriefing checklist items 1 & 3:

1. Time management & trouble-shooting

We achieved _________ (0-100%) of our time stamp marks as planned when we prioritized and practiced during our intersession prep.

3. How did the co-facilitation model go?

Use the following Likert Scale for the Responses below - [ ] 5 Strongly Agree - [ ] 4 Agree - [ ] 3 Neither Agree nor Disagree - [ ] 2 Disagree - [ ] 1 Strongly Disagree

Sessions 9-12 - Rate the following 4 items. - [ ] 1. We helped the team consider the problem at hand as in terms of interconnection (Complex). - [ ] 2. We helped the team look beyond a specific variable/output to determine the dynamic cause of the problem (Feedback). - [ ] 3. We helped the team to consider how feedback produces important trends over time (System Behavior). - [ ] 4. We helped the team to consider that a decision can have a different pattern of effects over time, depending on the state of the system (Time). - [ ] 5. We are supporting shared team decision-making in this project.

3.4.3 B. Intersession checklist prioritizing Post-session Checklist items 6, 7 & 9 (short-form)

6. What is the team’s guiding question and hypotheses? (what are they testing?)

BUILD & APPLY (s9-12) Intersession Checklist Priorities


  • NEED: Current working conceptualization of this team’s need based on the 4 priorities below? _______________________________________

  • DIFFERENTIATE: I need to rule in _______________________________________ or rule out _______________________________________ during this session to refine my conceptualization and prepare for the next session (based on growing consensus and capacity building with this team).

  • My GOAL for this session is that the team will document the following Q/H/F/D by end of the session.

Question: _______________________________________

Hypothesis: _______________________________________

Findings: _______________________________________

Decisions: _______________________________________

  1. Specific values from the team data table (sessions 2,3 & 5) that are guiding the in-session work to address the team’s highest priority need. _______________________________________

  2. Complexity reveal (causal loop) most relevant to the team’s highest priority need is: _______________________________________

  3. Specific value adjustments you expect will be helpful for the team to experiment with related to their highest priority need: _______________________________________

Experiment (Session) Variable(s) & Value(s) in BC Variable(s) and Value Adjustment(s) in Experiment
Exp 1 (s8) _______________________________________ _______________________________________
Exp 2 (s9) _______________________________________ _______________________________________
Exp 3 (s10) _______________________________________ _______________________________________
  1. Output charts (system behaviors) you’re going to check and discuss as a team in relation to their team’s highest priority need: _______________________________________

Sessions MTL focuses on improving systems thinking among frontline teams making care decisions.

Systems Thinking Definition
Complex Forest not trees. Relationships among two or more variables _______________________________________ [Tailor examples to the team: e.g., wait times, improvement rate], or two or more settings _______________________________________ [Tailor examples to the team: e.g. primary care, general mental health].
Feedback Loop not line. Not simple cause and effect. The end of the story often influences the beginning, and is strengthened (reinforcing) _______________________________________ [Tailor to key reinforcing “systems story” for this team] or reduced (balancing) (reinforcing) _______________________________________ [Tailor to key balancing “systems story” for this team] around the loop.
System Behavior Movie not snapshot. Trends over time. Systems cause their own behavior through feedback._______________________________________ [Tailor to team: Key system behavior output #1 for team] _______________________________________ [Tailor to team: Key system behavior output #2 for team] _______________________________________ [Tailor to team: Key system behavior output #3 for team] _______________________________________ [Tailor to team: Key system behavior output #4 for team]
Time Short and long term. Better understanding of change over time (e.g., worse before better, better before worse)._______________________________________ [Tailor to team: System behavior output #1 pattern over next two years] _______________________________________ [Tailor to team: System behavior output #2 pattern over next two years] _______________________________________ [Tailor to team: System behavior output #3 pattern over next two years] _______________________________________ [Tailor to team: System behavior output #4 pattern over next two years]

7. Facilitator needs/questions - Select and briefly describe the training need or question. Rank to prioritize your facilitator need/question for group supervision.

Cheatsheet needs/questions

  • ___ cheatsheet _______________________________________

  • ___ cheatsheet _______________________________________

  • ___ facilitator one pager _______________________________________

  • ___ cheatsheet _______________________________________

  • ___ facilitator one pager _______________________________________

  • ___ facilitate cheatsheet _______________________________________

Checklists needs/questions

  • ___ fidelity _______________________________________

  • ___ fidelity (partner, build, apply) _______________________________________

  • ___ pre-session _______________________________________

  • ___ post-session _______________________________________

Sessions 9-12- _APPLY capacity for participatory learning from simulation using team q/h/f/d.

Participatory Learning + Systems Thinking Emphasized:

SEE guide

  • ___ session 9 _______________________________________

  • ___ session 10 _______________________________________

  • ___ session 11 _______________________________________

  • ___ session 12 _______________________________________

SAY guide

  • ___ session 9 _______________________________________

  • ___ session 10 _______________________________________

  • ___ session 11 _______________________________________

  • ___ session 12 _______________________________________

MODULE Which module are you working with?

  • ___ CC ______________________________________

  • ___ MM _______________________________________

  • ___ PSY _______________________________________

  • ___ AGG _______________________________________

  • ___ SP _______________________________________

9. Team Decisions session by session - Check off the decisions made during the session and track team decision details in the blank.

s9 - [ ] Team Lead Ran Experiment 2. _______________________________________ - [ ] Team compared bc, exp 1, and exp 3 using the Control Panel of the Expanded Outputs section. _______________________________________ - [ ] “D” Decision text was to run a 3rd experiment on your own in your individual world. _______________________________________

s10 - [ ] A team member ran experiment 3 during the team meeting. _______________________________________ - [ ] We discussed the base case, exp 1, exp 2 and exp 3 using systems thinking. _______________________________________ - [ ] Reviewed and compared the base case, exp 1, exp 2 and exp 3 to think about possible decisions/changes the team could make in their clinical care. _______________________________________

3.4.4 C. Post-Session Debriefing checklist item 8 - Track Issues

8. Things that Team PSD should know - problems with UI, data, guides use the GitHub issue templates.

3.5 MTL Facilitate Pre-Session Checklist

Decide who will be the pre/post prep co-facilitator, who will be the live lead facilitator.

3.5.1 The week before of the meeting

Pre/Post Emails to be sent by Jenn 1. Send the pre-session team email.

3.5.2 Day of session Prep Checklist (30 minutes)

Pre/Post Co-facilitator Check the session_resources card at the top of each session column at for a list of relevant 1) platforms and 2) guides/checklists to prep for each session.

Live Lead Facilitator (should be done during the post-session debrief and reviewed during the prep meeting)

  1. Open the SEE file at for learners.

  2. Open the team_tracker checklist at for team details prepped during intersession prep.

  3. Divvy up in-session tasks (who will do what e.g., cover the do/done, review the hypothesis from last meeting) with specific time stamps between the two co-facilitators and note these decisions on the team_tracker checklist for that team.

3.6 MTL Facilitate Post-Session Checklist

3.6.1 Fidelity Ratings

Submit fidelity ratings for the session at

3.7 Facilitator Debriefing Checklist

  1. Attendance and engagement
  • Jenn will post screenshots of the Teams attendee list and EES confirmation receipt of CEU approval.
  • Facilitators can also check the Facilitator Dashboard on facilitator_login from Session 05 and on.
  1. Facilitator needs/questions (need for training, problems)

  2. Create issue cards at to alert co-facilitators of issues they may encounter and to signal support groups of issues to resolve.

  3. Add team details on what was covered during the session following the team_tracker checklist on each team card at

  4. Team Emails: 1) Done, 2) Do, 3) Decided

3.8 Debrief Examples

3.8.1 Team 1

  1. What is the team’s guiding question and hypotheses? (what are they testing?)
  • The vision coming out of this team is to improve the number of Veterans who get OUD therapy, without compromising the quality of care received by the team’s other patients.

  • The team is really frustrated with their schedules, which are always too full to safely start more OUD patients (specifically not being sure they can get them in at the necessary 30 day interval).

  • The team is feeling pretty burned out, often seeing patients during lunch, and never having enough time to chart and review complex patients.

  • They are wondering whether sending some of their patients out for care in the community would be worth the trouble, if it means they can start treating more OUD.

  • They are getting a lot of pressure from leadership to start more OUD patients, but don’t see any resources coming to support that change.

  • One provider on the team voiced concern about the push to see more OUD patients and tht it was distracting people from their AUD patients, and those patients weren’t receiving the attention they should / used to get.

  • After some back-and-forth, team settled on the shared vision of “Fight Opioid Addiction Now!”

  1. Team Emails: 1) Done, 2) Do, 3) Decided
  • The team decided that Dr. O will be the team lead.

  • The team meetings are monthly, during their team prep meeting on the 3rd Tuesday at 7:30AM Pacific.

  • The shared team vision settled on is “Fight Opioid Addiction Now!”

3.8.2 Team 2

  1. What is the team’s guiding question and hypotheses? (what are they testing?)
  • Team is frustrated with wait times in psychotherapy. They are getting a lot of pressure to start more patients but can’t get patients into services.

  • They want to improve the number of Veterans who get a course of psychotherapy and the quality of psychotherapy they get.

  • They know a provider is going on maternity leave soon and are worried about the impact on their wait times.

  • We don’t discuss patients often enough.

  • We want to see some of our patients more often and don’t feel like we can get them scheduled in.

  1. Team Emails: 1) Done, 2) Do, 3) Decided
  • The team decided that Dr. Klocek will be the team lead.

  • The team meetings are on Fridays at 9:30AM Pacific.

  • The team vision is R.E.S.P.E.C.T. which stands for “Really. Effective. Streamling. Patients. Evidence-based Clinical Treatment.”

3.8.3 Team 3

  1. What is the team’s guiding question and hypotheses? (what are they testing?)
  • They are frustrated with having too many patients and not enough time in the day to see them all.

  • Feeling the pressure of having different types of patients with team members with different types of skills.

  • Unclear how to function as a team and doesn’t feel like a team.

  • Team feels schedule doesn’t allow them to do enough EBPsy & EBPharm.

  • Can’t get meds and psychotherarpy patients seen in a timely way.

  • Have lots of groups slots but patients don’t want to come to that.

  1. Team Emails: 1) Done, 2) Do, 3) Decided
  • The team decided that Dr. Smith will be the team lead.

  • The team meetings are on Tuesday at 9:30AM Pacific.

  • The shared team vision settled on is Shining the light to help you live your best life as we see and expand our best practices!

3.8.4 Team 4

  1. What was covered during the meeting?
  • The Learning Objectives of Modeling to Learn were discussed.

  • The team struggled to identify a lot of positive shared learning experiences in their BHIP team in General Mental Health (GMH).

  • Their individual visions included emphases about each providers frustrations with getting patients seen in a timely way, and being able to offer “top of license” care likely to get Veterans better.

  • They joined around their frustration with referring their patients to another team: the Speciaty Mental Health programs locally are Addiction Treatment Services, Telehealth, and a PTSD Clinical Team. The PCT is their primary frustration.

  1. What were the team’s questions? (what did they ask?)
  • They asked what the team lead does.

  • They asked about research that informs Modeling to Learn.

  • They asked if we had examples that Modeling to Learn had helped other clinics and how other clinics used MTL.

  • They asked about whether the VANTS line and Adobe Connect link at would be the same for the next meeting.

  1. What is the team’s guiding question and hypotheses? (what are they testing?)
  • The vision coming out of this team is to improve the number of Veterans who get a course of psychotherapy in the GMH and local SMH programs and teams.

  • The team is really frustrated with referring to SMH and has atually given up on making these referrals.

  • They are wondering whether the MISSION Act will help

  • They are frustrated that their Return-to-clinic Visit Intervals (RVI) are spread way out, so they don’t get patients better.

  • They are angry with their SMH programs who have “protected” time to focus on EBPs, but won’t take their patients, which they believe reduces their SAIL scores and leads to a lot of conflicts with local leadership.

  • The shared team vision settled on is R.E.S.P.E.C.T. which stands for “Really. Effective. Streamling. Patients. Evidence-based Clinical Treatment.”

  1. Team Emails: 1) Done, 2) Do, 3) Decided
  • The team decided that Dr. Klocek will be the team lead.

  • The team meetings are on Fridays at 9:30AM Pacific.

  • The shared team vision settled on is R.E.S.P.E.C.T. which stands for “Really. Effective. Streamling. Patients. Evidence-based Clinical Treatment.”